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No-Risk Planet

No-Risk Planet

by Stephen Marlowe

The natives got a big kick out of it when I told them what the name of their planet means in English. It means peaceful. From what I could gather, the first Terran to land here fifty years ago was so impressed with the balmy climate and pleasant rolling terrain and almost tideless oceans that he named the planet Halcyon. The only catch is, the nati..

You Don't Walk Alone

You Don't Walk Alone

by Frank M. Robinson

Which was a laugh, in a way, because while he wouldn't know what I had been doing, I couldn't help but know what he had been doing. And so would you if I told you his right name. You wouldn't have recognized him, of course. He was the inconspicuous type, the sort of man who blended in so well with his background you would have had to hunt to find h..

Cosmic Saboteur

Cosmic Saboteur

by Frank M. Robinson

They jumped him when he was walking past an alley, a couple of blocks from the stockyards on Chicago's brawling South Side. He had gotten off the "El" two stops down because it was a damn fine Spring morning and he liked to walk through the Polish section and watch the city wake up. He was 17 years old and he hadn't grown cynical with the world yet..

Revolt of the Outworlds

Revolt of the Outworlds

by Stephen Marlowe

There was a tremendous roar from the crowd as Alan Tremaine climbed the long flight of steps leading to the platform in the center of the plaza. It's really my father they're applauding, Alan Tremaine thought. The elder Tremaine, dead these two weeks, had made the dream of independence a reality for the Outworlds. Then, on the eve of success, he ha..

The Heir of Mondolfo

The Heir of Mondolfo

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

In the beautiful and wild country near Sorrento, in the Kingdom of Naples, at the time it was governed by monarchs of the house of Anjou, there lived a territorial noble, whose wealth and power overbalanced that of the neighboring nobles. His castle, itself a stronghold, was built on a rocky eminence, toppling over the blue and lovely Mediterranean..

The Prince of the Captivity -  The Epilogue to a Romance

The Prince of the Captivity - The Epilogue to a Romance

by Sydney C. Grier

There were only a few passengers by the South Wales Express, and to one young man in a first-class carriage the fact was very welcome. He had bought a paper almost unconsciously from the boy who came to the window, but it did him good service as a shield, from behind which he could cast suspicious and hostile glances, after the manner of the travel..

The Terror Out of Space

The Terror Out of Space

by Dwight V. Swain

The night closed in upon him—the night, and the narrow street; the alien sounds and smells and stir of Gandor City. A cadet from the Federation fleet pushed past him, a moss-furred Callistan crustach perched on his shoulder. Behind the cadet came two spask-masked berlon prospectors, up from the Hertzog fields, leading their lumbering flipper-tentac..

The Traitors of the Tropics

The Traitors of the Tropics

by Nicholas Carter

Nick Carter went back to the sick room and gazed thoughtfully at the flushed face and tossing head on the pillow. As he looked, a thought revolved in his mind which he admitted to be audacious, but which would not be banished, no matter how outrageous it might seem.“What do doctors know about affairs of state?” suddenly burst from the injured man’s..