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The Voyage of Vanishing Men

The Voyage of Vanishing Men

by Stanley Mullen

Angular as a stick-bug, he stood at the bar, elbows digging into the polished mahogany, one foot cocked on the rail. He was drinking alone as if it had become a habit, and the customers edged away from him as if not wanting to make it too obvious. As usual, his go-to-hell face looked past you into the backbar mirror and out again to cover the whole..

We Were There at the Normandy Invasion

We Were There at the Normandy Invasion

by Clayton Knight

TOWARD sunset on the first day of June, a small black car rattled past a crossroads sign in a tiny village in northwestern France. The sign pointed to the near-by town of Sainte Mère Église, about two miles farther inland. The coast of the English Channel was nearly three miles back in the other direction.Behind the wheel of the car sat a thin, anx..

A Man-Sized Pet

A Man-Sized Pet

by W. C. Tuttle

Magpie had been to Missoula a short time before and at the earnest solicitation of an optician had purchased a pair of glasses, sans bows, which he fastened to his person through the medium of a wide silk ribbon. At the present time he wore the ribbon around his neck for safety.Tellurium Woods, the second of the trio, was as fat as any outdoor man ..

A Point of Testimony

A Point of Testimony

by Carolyn Wells

Bert Bayliss was the funniest detective you ever saw. He wasn’t the least like Vidocq, Lecoq or Sherlock, either in personality or mentality. And perhaps the chief difference lay in the fact that he possessed a sense of humor, and that not merely an appreciative sense, either. He had an original wit and a spontaneous repartee that made it well-nigh..

At the Queen’s Mercy

At the Queen’s Mercy

by Mabel Fuller Blodgett

We sat by the fire, Gaston Lestrade and I, one dark and stormy evening, for this was the end of the rainy season. We were in the African interior; fortune had dealt hardly with us. It is not needful to the purpose of this tale to tell by what and by whom we had come to so dismal a pass; enough that we found ourselves wet, hungry, surrounded by host..

Cliquot -  A Racing Story of Ideal Beauty

Cliquot - A Racing Story of Ideal Beauty

by Kate Lee Ferguson

Cliquot, a new love romance from the pen of Kate Lee Ferguson, a rising young Southern authoress of the Amélie Rives school, is full of passion, piquancy and breathless interest. All through it possesses that quality which the French call chic, which gives it that flavor which everybody likes. Neil Emory’s domestic drama—for he is a man with a past..

Export Commodity

Export Commodity

by Irving E. Cox

Three of the hairless bipeds stood in front of the frame building talking. Concealed by the brush beyond the road, Henig studied them carefully. These were the dominant species on this primitive world, unspeakably grotesque things. The pale, white skinned animals had a culture of sorts—their language, their buildings, their wheeled vehicles testifi..

Problem Planet

Problem Planet

by R. R. Winterbotham

Quibblers may shove dictionaries in my face till the end of the universe and I will always maintain that almost anything you can name is a matter of good luck or bad. Every great man owes his success to luck of some sort. What made him great is what he did with his luck after he got it.Had I been born eleven years before Senator Clive Littlebrook, ..