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The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Volume 1 (of 3)

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Volume 1 (of 3)

by Alain Rene Le Sage

There are some people in the world so mischievous as not to read a work without applying the vicious or ridiculous characters it may happen to contain to eminent or popular individuals. I protest publicly against the pretended discovery of any such likenesses. My purpose was to represent human life historically as it exists: God forbid I should hol..

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Volume 2 (of 3)

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Volume 2 (of 3)

by Alain Rene Le Sage

Three weeks after marriage, my mistress bethought herself of rewarding the services I had rendered her. She made me a present of a hundred pistoles, telling me at the same time: Gil Blas, my good fellow, it is not that I mean to turn you away, for you have my free leave to stay here as long as you please; but my husband has an uncle, Don Gonzales P..

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Volume 3 (of 3)

The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, Volume 3 (of 3)

by Alain Rene Le Sage

Don Anastasio de Rada, a gentleman of Grenada, was living happily in the town of Antequera, with Donna Estephania his wife, who united every charm of person and mind with the most unquestionable virtue. If her affection was lively towards her husband, his love for her was violent beyond all bounds. He was naturally prone to jealousy; and though wan..

Williwaw -  A Novel

Williwaw - A Novel

by Gore Vidal

Williwaw is the Indian word for a big wind peculiar to the Aleutian islands and the Alaskan coast. It is a strong wind that sweeps suddenly down from the mountains toward the sea. The word williwaw, however, is now generally used to describe any big and sudden wind. It is in this last and more colloquial sense that I have used the term.Someone turn..

Martyr's Flight

Martyr's Flight

by Hank Searls

Twenty-five thousand miles away, half of the western hemisphere shone through the murky earth-haze, the other half still in darkness. Through force of habit he oriented himself by looking at the center of the half-darkened sphere; there lay the Galapagos Islands. Then he traced the outline of the West Coast to Baja California and thence to where he..

Not in the Script

Not in the Script

by Arnold Marmor

Colen Shratt studied his image in the silver-framed mirror. His mustache was neatly clipped, his face clean shaven and well talcumed. His captain's uniform—light blue—was pressed and looked as if it had just been bought. He was fastidious in everything he did.The captain dialled a number, said into the mouthpiece: "General?... Shratt. I'm at Barnes..

Salted For a Million

Salted For a Million

by Nicholas Carter

The great detective had been out West on a puzzling case in which he had to run to earth a combination of Montana swindlers. Nick and his chief assistant had done splendid work, but there were still two members of the swindling gang to be accounted for. Well, the truth is I have just come from an interview with a man who is trying to get back his s..

The Fighter

The Fighter

by Albert Payson Terhune

Then began a violent ringing from the long-distance telephone in the far corner of the room. Conover picked up the receiver, grunted a question, then listened. For nearly five minutes he stood thus, the receiver at his ear, his broad, freckled face impassive save for a growing fire in the pale, alert eyes. A grunt of dismissal and the receiver was ..