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In Texas with Davy Crockett

In Texas with Davy Crockett

by John T. McIntyre

The Mediterranean was a large boat; she was deeply loaded with cargo and carried a great throng of passengers. But passengers were always plentiful in those early days of the year 1836; for the situation between Texas and Mexico had grown acute; war had spread its sombre wings for a terrible flight across that new land; the adventurers and soldiers..

Legends for Lionel -  in pen and pencil

Legends for Lionel - in pen and pencil

by Walter Crane

ALL Lions have tails: some—like the one here—remarkably long ones. Some Lionels I know have “Legends” instead. The Lionel for which these were made is a great devourer of them, and he also has an appetite for pictures to paint. This book of sketches, the offspring of the odd half hours of winter evenings, was originally intended strictly for home c..

Silver Rags

Silver Rags

by Willis Boyd Allen

Pet Sibley was a girl slightly younger than her companions, who lived near the Percivals in Boston. When the invitation came from uncle Will Percival in June for them to spend their summer vacation, or a part of it, with him and aunt Puss—as the children called his wife—at The Pines, the girls begged permission, which was heartily granted, to bring..

Greensea Island -  A Mystery of the Essex Coast

Greensea Island - A Mystery of the Essex Coast

by Victor Bridges

Ross declared that she was as charming to talk to as she was beautiful to look at, but this was a statement that so far I had no opportunity of putting to a practical test. Throughout the entire voyage both uncle and niece had kept as strictly to themselves as any two people could possibly do on an ocean-going steamer. For the first day or so de Ro..

The Cruise of the Scandal, and other stories

The Cruise of the Scandal, and other stories

by Victor Bridges

To offer a volume of short stories to the countrymen of Edgar Allan Poe and O. Henry is an operation which requires nerve. According to my publisher it also requires "a foreword" which I find, after consultation with the dictionary, is the same thing as a preface. Now to write a preface to one's own book seems to me about as embarrassing a task as ..

Samantha in Europe

Samantha in Europe

by Marietta Holley

Young Martin never loved to be hampered, and after he got old enough to help his uncle, he didn’t want to be hampered with him, so he packed up his little knapsack and sot out to seek his fortune, and he prospered beyend any tellin’, bought some mines, and railroads, and things, and at last come back East and settled down in a neighborin’ city, and..

The Secret of Toni

The Secret of Toni

by Molly Elliot Seawell

Paul Verney was his best friend,—that is, except Jacques. Toni, owing to his exceptional position, as the only son of the house of Marcel, candy manufacturer, would have had no lack of friends among boys of his own age, but he was afraid of other boys, except Paul Verney. This was pure cowardice on Toni’s part, because, although short for his age, ..

Law Rustlers

Law Rustlers

by W. C. Tuttle

Jim Sillman explains that everything he owns is on the crick, and that if Glory breaks the law they’re liable to take away his property as punishment. Kind of a weak way of looking at things, but we can’t all think alike thataway. He offers us five hundred dollars cash if one of us will marry her. This gives her the right to pull her freight out of..