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Upside Down or Backwards

Upside Down or Backwards

by W. C. Tuttle

Magpie’s physique is impressing, unless yuh views him edgeways, when yuh can’t get more’n uh glimpse. He’s six feet several inches tall, wears uh kind look and uh long mustache, and has the ability to let me into more trouble than man is heir to.When we gets nine hundred dollars’ worth uh gold out of our placer mine on Plenty Stone Crick, Magpie ge..

Cactus and Rattlers

Cactus and Rattlers

by H. Bedford-Jones

Sagebrush presented a general vista of whiskers, red nose and nondescript garments, bleached by sun and white with alkali dust; yet it was his proud boast that he was the only man between Death Valley and the big bend of the Colorado who kept abreast of the times. Subscribing to several weekly magazines, he came in once every six months to get the ..

Nick Carter Stories No. 137

Nick Carter Stories No. 137

by Nicholas Carter

Carlin’s name was supposed to be Peter. That had been shortened by his associates to “Pete.” Afterward the final “e” had been clipped off, because of his inoffensive appearance and manner, and he was known as “Pet.” Nick Carter shut off his power, and manipulated the wheel carefully, as he saw that the man in the other boat was recklessly driving s..

A Cigarette Clew

A Cigarette Clew

by Nicholas Carter

When Gillman entered the dive it was half filled with{58} a roaring complement of sailormen, every one in the lot considerably more than “half seas over.”The air was thick with tobacco smoke, heavy with the fumes of cheap beer, and resounding with sea songs—every song pitched in a different key and sung in a different language. Nick Carter had esta..

In the Rockies with Kit Carson

In the Rockies with Kit Carson

by John T. McIntyre

From the soldiers’ quarters straggled the guard, as unkempt a lot as one would wish to see; each grasped a musket, and each was much excited by the shot and the sudden alarm. A horde of Indians, men, women and children, also made their appearance and pressed toward the scene of action. There was an excited hubbub of voices; the musket barrels shone..

Minos of Sardanes

Minos of Sardanes

by Charles B. Stilson

Two men stood on the bridge of a speeding ship in a place of ice and fire. A storm rode with them, a tempest that shrieked and moaned and tore, and around the ship seethed and tossed the waters of the furious Antarctic Sea. Ice floes cracked and crashed. Giant bergs, staggering under the lash of the gale, added the dull thunder of their impact to t..

The Radio Gunner

The Radio Gunner

by Alexander Forbes

Early in the twentieth century the annual Memorial Day parade was passing through a New England town. The sun shone hotly down till the tarvia of the road felt soft and sticky underfoot. At the head of the procession the usual brass band led the way with martial music. Every one in the town was out, the older citizens for the most part standing rev..

The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life

The Aftermath Or Gleanings from a Busy Life

by Hilaire Belloc

This work needs no apology. Its value to the English-speaking world is two-fold. It preserves for all time, in the form of a printed book, what might have been scattered in the sheets of ephemeral publications. It is so designed that these isolated monuments of prose and verse can be studied, absorbed, and, if necessary, copied by the young aspiran..