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Scientific Sprague

Scientific Sprague

by Francis Lynde

CONNOLLY, off-trick division despatcher, doubling on the early night trick for Jenner, whose baby was sick, snapped his key-switch at the close of a rapid fire of orders sent to straighten out a freight-train tangle on the Magdalene district, sat back in his chair, and reached for his corn-cob pipe with a fat man’s sigh of relief.Over in the corner..

The Silver Stallion: A Comedy of Redemptio

The Silver Stallion: A Comedy of Redemptio

by James Branch Cabell

They relate how Dom Manuel that was the high Count of Poictesme, and was everywhere esteemed the most lucky and the least scrupulous rogue of his times, had disappeared out of his castle at Storisende, without any reason or forewarning, upon the feast day of St. Michael and All the Angels. They tell of the confusion and dismay which arose in Dom Ma..

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by B. M. Bower

From Denver to Spokane, from El Paso to Butte, men talk of “Casey” Ryan and smile as they speak his name. Bearded men with the flat tone of age in their voices will suck pipes and cackle reminiscently while they tell you of Casey’s tumultuous youth—time when he drove the fastest six horses in Colorado to the stage line out from Cripple Creek, and w..

In the Cause of Freedom

In the Cause of Freedom

by Arthur W. Marchmont

By the time we reached my rooms I had worked some of his suspicions loose; and when I laid before him letters from my sister and friends at home, and showed him such things as my cheque book, letter of credit, and so on, he was sufficiently satisfied to have a bottle of wine with me.Over this his tongue was loosened and we discussed the conspiracy,..

Don Miguel Lehumada: discoverer of liquid from the sun's rays

Don Miguel Lehumada: discoverer of liquid from the sun's rays

by Sue Greenleaf

On the morning our story opens he had finished his regular rounds of tidying the reception-chamber, and was at work in a small alcove room adjoining, on the properties extracted from the sun’s rays, by means of a glass chemical instrument. At the focus the rays were liquidized, separated, and blended into “Memory Fluid.”Although the analysis under ..

The Demon Trapper of Umbagog

The Demon Trapper of Umbagog

by Daniel P. Thompson

Mark Elwood, much chagrined and discomposed at the discovery of such an untoward first reception of his brother, now ushered him into the brilliantly-lighted hall, where the two stood in such singular contrast that no stranger would have ever taken them for brothers,—Mark being, as we have before described him, a good-sized, and, in the main, a goo..

Through Colonial Doorways

Through Colonial Doorways

by Anne Hollingsworth Wharton

"Through Colonial Doorways" by Anne Hollingsworth Wharton is a historical account written in the late 19th century. The work seeks to illuminate the social and domestic lives of people during the Colonial and Revolutionary times, focusing on the personal and intimate aspects of their lives rather than just historical events. This book finds relevan..