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The Dead-Star Rover

The Dead-Star Rover

by Robert Abernathy

The Dead-Star Rover is an adventurous science fiction short story  by Robert Abernathy.The terrapin was traveling eighty miles an hour—far too fast for such uneven country. Over maddeningly repetitive dunes it scudded, rising with a swoop to each windward slope and hurtling clear of the ground beyond each wave-like crest, to plunge through the..

Unwelcome Tenant

Unwelcome Tenant

by Roger D. Aycock

Unwelcome Tenant is a planet fiction story written by Roger Dee as part of the planet stories magazine.Maynard was dividing his attention equally between the transparent bubble that housed the Meinz pendulum and the two ports, forward and aft, that broke the steel panelling of the control cubicle. He listened critically to the measured clicking of ..

The Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry

The Romance of the Forest, interspersed with some pieces of poetry

by Ann Ward Radcliffe

When once sordid interest seizes on the heart, it freezes up the source of every warm and liberal feeling; it is an enemy alike to virtue and to taste—this it perverts, and that it annihilates. The time may come, my friend, when death shall dissolve the sinews of avarice, and justice be permitted to resume her rights.Such were the words of the Advo..



by Roger D. Aycock

Winant followed the lanky sheriff down the jail corridor past rows of empty, plank-walled cells and drew a sharp breath of relief when they found the last cubicle still tenanted."That's Uncle Ivor, all right," Winant said. "Sorry he caused you so much trouble, sheriff, but I'll be glad to pay his fine. What's the charge against him?"The sheriff rub..

Hostage of Tomorrow

Hostage of Tomorrow

by Robert Abernathy

Hostage of Tomorrow is a time travel fiction story written by Robert Abernathy for planet stories magazine.It was the end of March, and the wreck of the Dritten Reich lay in colossal ruin across Europe, where people were only beginning to crawl out of their burrows to face the job of rebuilding a world for better or worse. In Germany itself, the Al..

The Warlock of Sharrador

The Warlock of Sharrador

by Gardner F. Fox

The Warlock of Sharrador is an adventurous  science fiction story written by Gardner F. Fox which is published in Planet Stories Magazine.The McCanahan came awake in the pearl mists of a Senn dawn, staring upward into the round blue muzzle of a Thorn blaster. The handgun hung in the air without visible support, its trigger moving slowly back. ..

Alpha Say, Beta Do

Alpha Say, Beta Do

by Alfred E. Maxwell

Alpha Say, Beta Do is a science fiction short story written by Alfred E. Maxwell and published in Planet stories magazine. Doyle Tindar was awakened by the urgent buzzing of the visor-phone by his bed. He grumbled, rolled over, glanced at the view-plate and winced as he saw the fat, grim face of the Control Board Director, Sam Penset. He sat up, ya..

The Sun-Death

The Sun-Death

by Stanley Whiteside

The Sun-Death is a space opera written  by Stanley Whiteside for Planet stories magazine.The Spaceship Vulcan lay on a tangled mat of vegetation. A thin haze of blue smoke drifted over it from the nearby Venusian village where several of the grass huts were afire. Under the bulging side of the ship twenty of the crew were boisterously herding ..