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Eyes That Watch

Eyes That Watch

by Raymond Z. Gallun

He, Sam Conway, was back from Mars now. Back from red, ferric deserts no Earthly boot had ever touched before. Back from bitter cold and aching dryness. Back from dazzling yellow hazes of dust and suspended ice crystals. No more need to wear oxygen armor in a thin, ozone-tainted atmosphere now. Back from solitude, and the endless fight to keep aliv..

Modern Swedish Masterpieces -  Short Stories

Modern Swedish Masterpieces - Short Stories

by Charles Wharton Stork

It is curious that, despite the rapid growth of interest in Scandinavian literature through the English-speaking world, there has been up to now no book to represent one of the most brilliant fields of achievement, the Swedish short story. The work of Selma Lagerlof is well known and a volume of Per Hallström has appeared recently, but no attempt h..

The Lightning's Course

The Lightning's Course

by John Victor Peterson

It was only a robot, tiny, chubby, for all the universe like a Ganymedean monkey. It stood in the dark old mansion alone, stiff, immovable. Its pink, bewhiskered, rubberoid face seemed twisted with abject loneliness.... Aye, it stood alone and lonely, as if awaiting the return of its master—The song pulsed in a vibrant, ominous cadence through the ..

Little Mexican & Other Stories

Little Mexican & Other Stories

by Aldous Huxley

Little Mexican & Other Stories is a collection of short stories compiled by Aldous Huxley whose other works include  ANTIC HAY: a novel, CROME YELLOW: a novel, MORTAL COILS: short stories, LIMBO: short stories, LEDA: and other poems, ON THE MARGIN: notes & essays.Some people I know can look back over the long series of their childish h..

A Green Cloud Came

A Green Cloud Came

by Robert W. Lowndes

Her fingers lightly caressed a button on the long table as she half-turned toward him. At this moment, she was glad they still wore the semi-barbaric accoutrements donned for last night's festivities, commemorating the conclusion of the final war—weird, fantastic trappings, selected more for adornment than for approximations of ancient military dre..

Lunar Station

Lunar Station

by Harl Vincent

Bill Bonwitt, the young chief engineer at the mercury mines that bored into the surface of Earth's moon at the crater Tycho, knew something was wrong. His hob-nailed boots beat a swift tattoo on the metal steps as he quick-footed down to the radio room."Crane!" he yelled to the operator. "Have you felt it?"His friend grinned up from the ethertype m..

The Way Back

The Way Back

by Sam Moskowitz

Michel Drawers crumpled the enormous star-map in his big hairy arms and let it drop from listless fingers. It floated slowly to the ground, scarcely claimed by the infinitesimal gravity of the tiny sky-rock. Hopelessly he gazed aloft, searching, with an air of finality the immense sweep of the cosmos for some familiar sign—a well known constellatio..

Message from Venus

Message from Venus

by R. R. Winterbotham

The Venusians had one admirable characteristic. When they set out to do a thing, nothing could stop them. Captain Paul Bonnet had said something to this effect to Major Rogers and it made the old man so angry that he almost court-martialed the youth. Captain Bonnet glanced up into the sky, already dark with the ballooned bodies of the Venusian bipe..