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Space Blackout

Space Blackout

by Bryce Walton

Love of their homes and the soil beneath them and the life they had achieved. It's a story I believe Earthmen could ponder, and benefit from. For we are the youngest of terrestrial civilizations within the space orbit the Martians have shown us.I'm Jerry Kos, master navigator, twenty-seven and entitled to three stripes on my jacket to prove I've co..

Derelicts of Uranus

Derelicts of Uranus

by J. Harvey Haggard

Lonny Higgens, once of the earthly planet, stretched out in the conning-tower of his mud-submarine, an aquatic monstrosity of globular reinforced steel that was at home either above or below the surface of the squirming mud seas of Uranus, and sighed lazily. The circular hatch was open over his head, showing a patch of black swirling mists through ..

The Facts of Life

The Facts of Life

by P. Schuyler Miller

Thus Professor Melchizedek Hobbs, principal of the Springville Free Academy, on the day long-gone when I began my higher education. I can see him yet, the apotheosis of the Victorian schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, come to life: the sparse, sandy hair brushed carefully across his bony skull, his long nose trembling with the vehemence of his argument, ..

Earth's Maginot Line

Earth's Maginot Line

by Roy Paetzke

Jimmy Lorre saw the Earth spinning away from under him. It was odd, this sensation of having nothing under you, nothing to keep you from falling back upon the world from which the sleek grey space ship had lifted you. Lorre felt uneasy. He had traveled in rockets hundreds of times, of course; but this was his first flight into space.Rockets had alr..

In Trust -  The Story of a Lady and Her Lover

In Trust - The Story of a Lady and Her Lover

by Mrs. Oliphant

In Trust; the Story of a Lady and her Lover is a fiction novel written by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant whose other works include  Merkland or Self Sacrifice, and He that will not when he may.Anne, you are very positive and self-opinionated, but you cannot—it is not possible—set up your judgment against mine on such a point. You, an inexperienced, pr..

Into the Sun

Into the Sun

by John L. Chapman

Lejeune, the wiry French biologist, lowered the half-empty bottle from his lips and scowled at the ship's doctor. "But not for long, my dear Geitz, not for long. Our fate lies within a few hours. The ship will be drawn closer and closer to the sun. The heat will become unbearable. Then—pffffft!—the ship will be a little spark—""You're a pain," grow..

Doomsday 257 A.G.!

Doomsday 257 A.G.!

by Bryce Walton

Cadmus trembled now as he waited. He had been waiting too long. Sweat was heavy on his clean-muscled body. A bright eagerness blazed from his gray eyes. And beyond the small pressure dome of the combination lab and living quarters, the frigid night pounded at the translucent teflonite—gnawed hungrily at that small dot of life and warmth on the barr..

Frank Merriwell's First Job

Frank Merriwell's First Job

by Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwell's First Job is a dime novel written for young readers by Burt L. Standish, whose other works include  “Frank Merriwell’s School Days,” “Frank Merriwell’s Chums,” “Frank Merriwell’s Foes,” “Frank Merriwell’s Trip West,” etc.Three times Frank walked up and down the room. He paused and looked around. It was a pleasant, well-furnis..