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The Pinafore Picture Book

The Pinafore Picture Book

by W. S. Gilbert

I have been asked to explain to you how it comes to pass that this, the story of a well-known Play, is now placed before you in the form of a Tale. In the first place, many very young ladies and gentlemen are never taken to the Theatre at all. It is supposed by certain careful Papas and Mamas that very young ladies and gentlemen should go to bed at..

The Gift

The Gift

by Melvin Sturgis

The tenseness in the tiny court room was a live thing that you could feel clear down to your insoles. The thick silence was broken as the judge said solemnly: "Your objection will be taken under advisement by the court, Counselor. In what manner will the childhood of the defendant be relevant to this case, Mr. Prosecutor?""It is my purpose to show,..

Colin II -  A Novel

Colin II - A Novel

by E. F. Benson

With the declining wheel of the sun to the west, the shadow of the great yew-hedge began to flow like some tide, dark and clear, over the paved terrace which since morning had basked in the blaze of the July day. It had been planted by Colin Stanier first Earl of Yardley, when he laid the foundations of his house in the time of Elizabeth, and the t..

The Chaste Diana

The Chaste Diana

by E. Barrington

This romance of “The Beggar’s Opera” introduces many real persons but all imaginatively treated. Lord Baltimore, “The American Prince,” as he was called at the time in society, has come down to us with a reputation for heartlessness of which I have made the most, and it would be difficult for any novelist to exaggerate the whims of the famous and b..

The Divine Lady

The Divine Lady

by E. Barrington

As I sat, years ago, in the Admiral’s cabin of Nelson’s flag-ship, the Foudroyant, the thought of this romance came to me, for this ship was the sea-shrine of that great but errant passion. She is a wreck now, her stranded ribs are green with weed, her bones are broken in the wash of the tide. A grave at sea amidst the answering thunder and flash o..

The Sublime Jester

The Sublime Jester

by Ezra Brudno

In creating Albert Zorn, the central figure in this romance, I have followed the life and career of Heinrich Heine. I have chosen him not only because he singularly typifies the poet with the “Weltschmerz” in his heart, nor because his was an arresting personality, but because he is preeminently the symbol of the spirit of his age and his people—th..

A Modern Hercules

A Modern Hercules

by Melvin G. Winstock

This City, surrounded by snow-clad peaks pointing to and almost losing themselves in the bosom of the Supreme Intelligence, has inspired my effort. The volume is dedicated to “Ouida,” radiant also with inspiration. She lives. The novel is written from my play of the same title.The clergy at first may condemn the morale of my story, but upon reflect..

Kibun Daizin

Kibun Daizin

by Gensai Murai

The Century Co. counts itself fortunate in being able to present to young readers an admirable story from the Japanese, written by one of Japan’s most popular novelists and filled with the spirit of that great Oriental nation. The author of this story, Gensai Murai, was once a student of the Waseda School, founded by Count Okuma, leader of the Prog..