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Lodore, Vol. 2 (of 3)

Lodore, Vol. 2 (of 3)

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Lodore, is a social life and customs fiction work written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and published in three volume.The abstracted, wounded, yet lofty spirit of Lodore was totally dissimilar to the airy brightness of Villiers' disposition. Lodore had outlived a storm, and shown himself majestic in ruin. No ill had tarnished the nature of Villier..

Lodore, Vol. 3 (of 3)

Lodore, Vol. 3 (of 3)

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Lodore, is a social life and customs fiction work written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and published in three volume.Ethel had slept peacefully through the livelong night; nor woke till a knock at her door roused her. A rush of fear—a sense of ill, made her heart palpitate as she opened her eyes to the light of day. While she was striving to reca..

The Golden Harpoon

The Golden Harpoon

by Roger Starbuck

On the morning of the 25th day of April, 18—, the whale-ship Montpelier, of New London, anchored in one of the many bays that open along the coast of Kamschatka, where it is washed by the waters of the Sea of Ochotsk.As soon as every thing was made snug allow and aloft, the skipper rubbed his hands with complacency, and a satisfied expression was s..

The Joss -  A Reversion

The Joss - A Reversion

by Richard Marsh

Not twenty minutes afterwards a girl came in—a mere chit—who wanted some passementerie, beaded. She had brought a pattern. Somehow directly I saw it I thought there would be trouble. I hunted through the stock and found the thing exactly, only there were blue beads where there ought to have been green. As there were a dozen different coloured beads..

The Greatest Heiress in England

The Greatest Heiress in England

by Mrs. Oliphant

A country town, quiet, simple, and dull, chiefly of old construction, but with a few new streets and scattered villas of modern flimsiness, a river flowing through it, dulled and stilled with the frost; trees visible in every direction, blocking up the horizon and making a background, though only with a confused anatomy of bare branches, to the red..

One for the Robot—Two for the Same

One for the Robot—Two for the Same

by Rog Phillips

I took an instinctive disliking to him from the very first. I don't know exactly what caused it. His appearance? He wore a well tailored gray plaid suit draped on what I would have sworn to be nothing but a skeleton. Blue-veined skin fitted over the exposed parts, such as his long slender hands, folded together on his lap, the stretch of bare leg b..

A Fool in Spots

A Fool in Spots

by Hallie Erminie Rives

Here Frost, more wickedly practical, continued: “Now, you are of gentle blood, being fitted out by nature with the most unfortunate combination of attributes. Nature has given you much more than your share of intelligence and manly beauty, together with most refined and sympathetic sensibilities and luxurious tastes, and then has placed you in an o..

The Soul Stealers

The Soul Stealers

by Chester S. Geier

A chill touched Bryan as he looked down at the figure on the hospital bed. He had seen dead men before—too many of them. He had seen them sprawled on European battlefields, had seen them huddled in wrecked cars or lying waxen and stiff on morgue slabs.But he had never seen a dead man like the one who lay there on the bed. For, paradoxically, this m..