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Wind in Her Hair

Wind in Her Hair

by Kris Neville

They were all written a long time ago, even before the First Generation, by men back on Earth, but they seemed to be written just for us.... One was about a bird, and how it made the poet feel to watch it fly and hear it sing; it made him feel all warm inside.... And one was about a young girl who worked in the fields, reaping grain. That image see..

An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre

An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre

by John Gregory Bourke

The contents of this book, which originally appeared in a serial form in the Outing Magazine of Boston, represent the details of the expedition led by General Crook to the Sierra Madre, Mexico, in 1883; but, as the present military operations are conducted by the same commander, against the same enemy, and upon the same field of action, a perusal o..



by Edward W. Ludwig

Shakily, Martin rose. His mind was clear now, the fogginess washed away by the cool morning air. There was only hunger, that great gnawing hunger, and thirst that made his throat and mouth seem as dry as ancient parchment.  As he stood overlooking the valley below with its green fields and little groves of trees, a realization came to him. The..

Meet Me in Tomorrow

Meet Me in Tomorrow

by Guy Archette

The gravel road wound its way through quiet country fields cloaked in the fresh green of early summer. Andy Pearce watched it with expectant eyes and the odd feeling that it was winding up within him like twine, making an ever-growing ball of tension. She wrinkled her nose at him. "I think you're a beast, too. All men are beasts. But as for An..

On the Brink of a Chasm -  A record of plot and passion

On the Brink of a Chasm - A record of plot and passion

by L. T. Meade

On the Brink of a Chasm is a conspiracy fiction novel written by L. T. Meade, the author of “The Medicine Lady,” “A Soldier of Fortune,” Etc.There was a crush at Mrs. Evershed’s beautiful house in Mark Place, and she now stood at the head of the staircase receiving her guests. Her face wore a smile, and conventional words of welcome rose to her lip..

Spacemen Are Born

Spacemen Are Born

by Bolling Branham

The God of Time, he is, and you're looking out over the flatness of the rings at the yellow bulk of a planet, filling your sky ahead. Yellow, streaked with purple streamers, fading away at the edges into the blackness that is eternal space. Yes, fortunes have been made and lost on trips to Saturn, but no one loses the memory of how it looks when yo..

Venus Hate

Venus Hate

by John McGreevey

When the patrol found her it was impossible to say how long she had been in the humidi-hut alone. She was incoherent but, as Morrissey observed, most Venusians are.Not that Selo was an ordinary Venusian woman. Even in her madness, as she babbled to the patrol about red dust devils and punctured thermiteens, there was a haunting beauty about her. Th..

Werwile of the Crystal Crypt

Werwile of the Crystal Crypt

by Gardner F. Fox

The arklings were coming for him. Through the opening in the stone traceries of the ancient doorway, he saw the red aura that floated over them as they came up the stone ramp. Clark turned and ran along the sloping floor, down into the black, labyrinthine windings of the ancient city. His spacebooted feet made soft, slapping sounds. His beamlight c..