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  • First Book of Adam and Eve

First Book of Adam and Eve

by Rutherford Platt

First Book of Adam and Eve PDF edition and other Rutherford Platt books available for free download from our library.


First Book of Adam and Eve is the historic exploration of narrated incidents of life of Adam and Eve after they were ousted from the Garden. As described in the preface, this book must have been written before Christ was born, however did not find a place in the bible as there was no documentary evidence for the incidents mentioned, however the author reiterated that, this text would not have survived centuries, if there is no essence to it.

Chronological of events is followed after Adam and Eve were ousted from the Garden such as; Adam and Eves first Dwelling in the Cave of Treasures; Their Temptations and trials; Birth of Cain and Abel; Birth of Twin Sisters of Cain and Abel; Cain’s obsession towards Luluwa; Adam’s wish of Luluwa joining Abel; and the first murder of the universe Cain’s killing of his brother Abel.

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