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  • Folk Tales Every Child Should Know

Folk Tales Every Child Should Know

by Hamilton Wright Mabie

Folk Tales Every Child Should Know PDF edition and other Hamilton Wright Mabie books available for free download from our library.


Folk tales have been narrated rather recorded on the basis of immense belief, fancy and superstitions of human experience. Unlike modern stories, Folk tales had not been carefully written to make the story interesting.

Often they were conceived out of a single incident of the original narrator experienced in his life and which were retold for generations with changes based on the re-teller’s experience.  They were told during the age when knowledge was limited and listeners did not care for the facts in them, but they did provide the amusement to the people and they simply conveyed what life meant to them. 

Those above facts make it necessary for our children to know, the life of our ancestors and reading folk-tales does make them to realize the very fact of life. Compiled by the American essayist Hamilton Wright Mabie, this collection of folk tales contain twenty stories; notable among them are Why the sea is salt, The lad who went to the north wind, The grateful foxes, The origin of rubies, George with the goat, The wonderful hair, The dragon and the prince, and The Peasant story of Napoleon.

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