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  • Following the Equator -  A Journey Around the World

Following the Equator - A Journey Around the World

by Mark Twain

Following the Equator - A Journey Around the World PDF edition and other Mark Twain books available for free download from our library.


Following the Equator written by Mark Twain is a non-fiction work of his travel experiences blended with fiction stories. The author toured around the world to extricate himself from a debt of $100,000 on account of his failed investment in a revolutionary typesetting machine, which made him literally bankrupt.

In his thirteen month of travel with his family, Twain narrates his experiences and criticized the racism, imperialism and missionary zeal in observations woven into the narrative with classical Twain wit. Twain blended a number of fiction stories, in this book which is otherwise a non-fiction travel literature.

Notable fiction stories included are the story of how Cecil Rhodes made his fortune by finding a newspaper in the belly of a shark and the story of how a man named Ed Jackson made good in life out of a fake letter of introduction to Cornelius Vanderbilt, which are part of the “The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain”, published by Charles Neider.

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