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  • Four Arthurian Romances

Four Arthurian Romances

by Chretien DeTroyes

Four Arthurian Romances PDF edition and other Chretien DeTroyes books available for free download from our library.


Four Arthurian Romances is a novel written by Chretien DeTroyes, a French writer known for his works on Arthurian subjects which represent the medieval literature.  His notable literary contribution includes Yvain, the Knight of the Lion, Perceval, the Story of the Grail,  Philip, Count of Flanders and Four Arthurian Romances.
This novel contains four stories based on King Arthur, whose existence itself being debated by modern historians. The four stories of the novel are Erec Et Enide, Cliges, Yvain and Lancelot.

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