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  • Frank Merriwell's First Job

Frank Merriwell's First Job

by Burt L. Standish

Frank Merriwell's First Job PDF edition and other Burt L. Standish books available for free download from our library.


Frank Merriwell's First Job is a dime novel written for young readers by Burt L. Standish, whose other works include  “Frank Merriwell’s School Days,” “Frank Merriwell’s Chums,” “Frank Merriwell’s Foes,” “Frank Merriwell’s Trip West,” etc.

Three times Frank walked up and down the room. He paused and looked around. It was a pleasant, well-furnished room. There were handsome pictures on the walls, there were foils, boxing gloves, tennis rackets and so forth. There also were strange curios from many lands, all gathered by Frank himself. This room was like home to Frank. He loved it for its associations. Some day he must leave it, but what10 pleasant memories of his college days he would carry away.

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