Written by Garrett Putman Serviss
Curiosities of the Sky
by Garrett Putman ServissWhat Froude says of history is true also of astronomy: it is the most impressive where it transcends explanation. It is not the mathematics of astronomy, but the wonder and the mystery that seize upon the imagination. The calculation of an eclipse owes all its prestige to the sublimity of its data; the operation, in itself, requires no more mental ..
Other Worlds
by Garrett Putman ServissOTHER WORLDS. Their Nature and Possibilities in the Light of the Latest Discoveries.No science has ever equaled astronomy in its appeal to the imagination, and recently popular interest in the wonders of the starry heavens has been stimulated by surprising discoveries and imaginary discoveries, as well as by a marked tendency of writers of fiction ..
Pleasures of the telescope
by Garrett Putman ServissPleasures of the telescope: An Illustrated Guide for Amateur Astronomers and a Popular Descri. By the introduction of a complete series of star maps, drawn specially for the use of the amateur and distributed through the body of the work, thus facilitating consultation, it is believed that this book makes a step in advance of its predecessors. The ..
The Moon - A Popular Treatise
by Garrett Putman ServissThe reader familiar with astronomical literature will doubtless remark a certain resemblance between the plan on which this book is written and that of Fontenelle’s “Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds,” a French classic of the eighteenth century. The author freely acknowledges that it was the recollection of the pleasure which the reading of ..