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  • General Harmar's Campaign

General Harmar's Campaign

by Anonymous

General Harmar's Campaign PDF edition and other Anonymous books available for free download from our library.


General Josiah Harmar’s ill-fated campaign in 1790 was the first of three historic expeditions against the Indians in the Old Northwest. The defeat of General Arthur St. Clair followed in 1791, and the victory of General Anthony Wayne in 1794.

The first article in this pamphlet identifies the exact sites of the Indian villages around the three rivers. The destruction of these villages was one of the objectives of Harmar’s campaign. The journal of one of Harmar’s soldiers and admirers provides a firsthand account of this expedition and is printed as the second article. The third article is a speech delivered by James McGrew at a meeting of the Maumee Valley Monumental and Historical Association on August 15, 1888.

The Boards and the Staff of the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County present this publication in the hope that it will increase interest in local history. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation have been changed to conform to current usage.

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