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  • Ghosts


by Henrik Ibsen

Ghosts PDF edition and other Henrik Ibsen books available for free download from our library.


Ghosts, is a three act play written by Henrik Johan Ibsen, a Norwegian playwright remembered as “The Father of Realism”. Apart from his magnum opus A Doll's House, his popular works include Hedda Gabbler, An Enemy of the People, and The Master Builder.

Ghosts explores the 19th century morality, scripted in three acts. Helen Alving, is married to Captain Alving and they are blessed with one son Oswald. In spite of her efforts to reform, Captain Alving lead an immoral life and died much earlier with the disease syphilis.

After his death Helen, is opening a school and wanted dispose all the fortunes of her husband through the school, so that their son will not inherit the wealth. She had already sent her son to boarding school for not getting spoiled from her husband lifestyle. However unfortunately Oswald is obsessed with their maid Regina Engstrand and planned to marry. Alving reveals that Regina is an illegitimate daughter of her husband, thus half-sister of Oswald. While the drama ends up saying Oswald has not inherited the wealth of his father, but unfortunately he has inherited the syphilis.

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