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  • The history of art of Glass

The history of art of Glass

by Edward Dillon

The history of art of Glass PDF edition and other Edward Dillon books available for free download from our library.


Glass is a book which explores the history of the art of glass, a substance which is connected in our daily life.  While the book explores only the artistic history, though there has been a chapter into the technicalities or manufacturing part which is essential to narrate the artistic part of it.  The connection between the pottery and glass is not so close; however one form has tried to supersede the other.  While the Greeks mastered the art of pottery to perfection, Romans mastered the art of Glass.  This book has been divided into 22 chapters starting with an introduction to the Glass and its properties, composition and the decay of Glass.  The author then takes the reader to historical exploration in various eras. Overall it is a must read for anyone who wanted to know the history of glass in its artistic form.

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