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  • Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 3, September 1841

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 3, September 1841

by George R. Graham

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 3, September 1841 PDF edition and other George R. Graham books available for free download from our library.


Who does not remember this glorious old song, with its simple melody, and well-managed accompaniments that seem to chime in with every word uttered by the singer, not only upholding him in his sentiment, and illustrating his positions by all kinds of impressive flourishes, but absolutely chuckling and caracoling over the unanswerable nature of the argument? If ever accompaniment expressed a positive certainty that the words of a song were the truest words in the world, it is this very accompaniment. It takes it for granted that nobody will dispute its opinion. 

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