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  • Granada and the Alhambra

Granada and the Alhambra

by Albert Frederick Calvert

Granada and the Alhambra PDF edition and other Albert Frederick Calvert books available for free download from our library.


Granada and the Alhambra: A brief description of the ancient city of Granada, with a particular account of the Moorish palace.

Although the admission may be construed by the censorious as betraying a lack of becoming diffidence, I am tempted to believe that no apology will be demanded for the publication of this volume by that section of the reading public for which it has been chiefly compiled. My temerity goes even further, and I anticipate with some confidence that visitors to the Alhambra, and pilgrims to that famous Mecca of Moorish workmanship, will recognise in this book an earnest attempt to supply a long-felt want.

When I paid my first visit to Granada some years ago, I was surprised and disappointed to find that no such thing as an even fairly adequate illustrated souvenir of this “city of the dawn” was to be obtained. Many tomes, costly and valuable (not necessarily the same thing), have been written to place on record the wonders of “the glorious sanctuary of Spain,” but these are beyond the reach of the general public. Many beautiful pictures have caught odd ecstasies of{viii} this superb and perfectly harmonised palace of art, but these impressions are not available to the ordinary tourist.

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