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  • Greensea Island -  A Mystery of the Essex Coast

Greensea Island - A Mystery of the Essex Coast

by Victor Bridges

Greensea Island - A Mystery of the Essex Coast PDF edition and other Victor Bridges books available for free download from our library.


Ross declared that she was as charming to talk to as she was beautiful to look at, but this was a statement that so far I had no opportunity of putting to a practical test. Throughout the entire voyage both uncle and niece had kept as strictly to themselves as any two people could possibly do on an ocean-going steamer. For the first day or so de Roda's state of health had rendered it advisable that all his meals should be served in his cabin, and it was not until we were half way across that either of them had appeared in the saloon. Even then they had made arrangements with the steward that they should have a private table, and so far as I knew they were only on the barest speaking terms with any of the other passengers.

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