Written by H. Bedford-Jones
Cactus and Rattlers
by H. Bedford-JonesSagebrush presented a general vista of whiskers, red nose and nondescript garments, bleached by sun and white with alkali dust; yet it was his proud boast that he was the only man between Death Valley and the big bend of the Colorado who kept abreast of the times. Subscribing to several weekly magazines, he came in once every six months to get the ..
Bob Bowen Comes to Town
by H. Bedford-JonesBowen and Dickover gazed at each other, appraisingly. After a moment they began to discuss mining stocks. The drummer listened attentively, and after venturing one timid assertion which was promptly quashed by Dickover, ventured no more. At length the train slowed down, and he sprang to his feet.“Gee, I’d plumb forgotten that I had to make a stop!”..
A Personal Problem
by H. Bedford-JonesCranshaw did not sleep himself, however, for he lay motionless with his hand on an electric torch, and chuckled slightly as he listened to the irregular, panting breathing of the other man. Slowly through the surf-mutter there pierced other sounds—slight, thin, bird-like sounds, as though innumerable watches were ticking in the room. Hobson’s breat..
John Solomon—Supercargo
by H. Bedford-JonesAmid the ensuing silence Harcourt flushed darkly and walked to the gangway, the men drawing back suddenly from his mild look. Up above watched the sunfish, his grey eyes wide, for all the docks had heard the story—how the famous Brighton Blighter had encountered some toff or other in Oxford Street the previous night, and how, after some passing ref..
The Wilderness Trail
by H. Bedford-JonesThe year 1810 was more commonly known, at least in the Kentucky wilderness, as the thirty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States. Backwoods folk are simple folk, proud of what they and their fathers have done.Although split with vexatious questions of Federal or Democrat, rent asunder by argument over the Great Conspiracy of Aaron Bur..
The Conquest
by H. Bedford-JonesThe story of Pierre Radisson, which is herein related, has passed into history. That he was the first white man to reach the Mississippi, after De Soto, is now admitted. It was he who founded the Hudson's Bay Company, and who opened up the great Northwest to the world, receiving the basest of ingratitude in return.The materials and facts used in th..
The Cross and the Hammer: A Tale of the Days of the Vikings
by H. Bedford-JonesThis is a story about the very real people and events; if ever you chance to read the old Sagas of Norway you will come upon most of the characters of this tale. The viking age was not Christian, it was full of the clash of arms and of unknightly deeds, yet its story is vitally interesting.The Hammer of Thor, the War-god of northern Europe, did not..
The Trail of Death
by H. Bedford-JonesDurant stood at the rail, watching the gleam of the Land’s End light twinkle across the night. The Tyrania was on the last leg of her voyage; at dawn she would be just off Plymouth, and all those who could change at the last moment would go into the lighter instead of on to Cherbourg, for dirty weather lay ahead of her. Durant had changed, but for ..