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  • Half Hours With Modern Scientists -  Lectures and Essays

Half Hours With Modern Scientists - Lectures and Essays

by George F. Barker

Half Hours With Modern Scientists - Lectures and Essays PDF edition and other George F. Barker books available for free download from our library.


The title of this Series of Essays—Half Hours with Modern Scientists—suggests a variety of thoughts, some of which may not be inappropriate for a brief introduction to a new edition. Scientist is a modern appellation which has been specially selected to designate a devotee to one or more branches of physical science.

Strictly interpreted it might properly be applied to the student of any department of knowledge when prosecuted in a scientific method, but for convenience it is limited to the student of some branch of physics. It is not thereby conceded that nature, i.e., physical or material nature is any more legitimately or exclusively the field for scientific enquiries than spirit, or that whether the objects of science are material or spiritual, the assumptions and processes of science themselves should not be subjected to scientific analysis and justification.

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