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  • He that will not when he may - Vol. I

He that will not when he may - Vol. I

by Mrs. Oliphant

He that will not when he may - Vol. I PDF edition and other Mrs. Oliphant books available for free download from our library.


He that will not when he may is the first book of  three volume fiction work by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant. 

The Easter holidays were drawing near an end, and the family at Markham Chase had fallen into a state of existence somewhat different from its usual dignified completeness of life. When I say that the head of the house was Sir William Markham, once Under-Secretary for the Colonies, once President of the Board of Trade, and still, though in opposition, a distinguished member of his party and an important public personage, it is scarcely necessary to add that his house was one of the chief houses in the county, and that “the best people” were to be found there, especially at those times when fashionable gatherings take place in the country.

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