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  • He that will not when he may - Vol. II

He that will not when he may - Vol. II

by Mrs. Oliphant

He that will not when he may - Vol. II PDF edition and other Mrs. Oliphant books available for free download from our library.


He that will not when he may is the second book of  three volume fiction work by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant.

At Markham Chase there had been great wonder and consternation at the sudden departure of the elders of the family. Bell had been called to her mother’s room in the morning, and the morals of the house, so to speak, placed in her hands. She was thirteen, a great age, quite a woman. “Harry will help you: but he is careless, and he is always out. You will promise to be very careful and look after everything,” Lady Markham had said. Bell, growing pale with the solemnity of this strange commission, gave her promise with paling cheek, and a great light of excitement in her eyes; and when they heard of it, the others were almost equally impressed. 

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