PDF Books in Children's Historical Fiction
The Road to Bunker Hill
by Shirley BarkerNothing ever happens in this town,” said Eben Poore, dangling his long legs over the edge of the wharf, and looking down river to the open sea. The sky was pale, almost white above the long sand bar of Plum Island, he noticed, but the streets were growing dark behind him, and twilight had begun to gather round the warehouses and tall-masted ships b..
The Young Continentals at Trenton
by John T. McIntyreThe Young Continentals series deals with the experiences of four boys in the American Revolution. One of them, Nat Brewster, is from the hills about Wyoming, Ben Cooper is from Philadelphia, while the Prentiss twin brothers come from Boston.In the first book of the series, “The Young Continentals at Lexington,” Nat Brewster played the leading part—..
The Pilgrims' First Christmas
by Josephine Pittman ScribnerT was a bleak December day in the year 1620. All day long, the Mayflower struggled along the coast amidst the rain and snow, her rudder broken, her masts split in three pieces, and heavy seas dashing over her bow. The men had been called to man the oars and all were filled with anxiety and grief and apprehension of unknown perils to be faced. It wa..
The Young Continentals at Lexington
by John T. McIntyre“The Young Continentals at Lexington” begins with that vital period of our country’s history when the great forces that made the Revolution were slowly coming together. The port of Boston was closed; an army under Gage occupied the city; Massachusetts Bay was thronged with troop-ships and frigates, and the colonies were writhing under a serie..
The Young Continentals at Monmouth
by John T. McIntyreFour sturdy young members of the Continental Army are the chief characters in this story. Ben Cooper and Nat Brewster were from Pennsylvania. Ezra Prentiss and his twin brother George were from Massachusetts. “The Young Continentals at Lexington,” the first book of the series, was chiefly concerned with the adventures of Nat Brewster, although all ..
Deeds of Daring Done by Girls
by N. Hudson MooreDo not think, dear girls, that because you are girls you may not have as much courage as your brothers. I believe that quite as stout hearts beat beneath muslin frocks as under stuff jackets. When you have finished reading this book about your sisters, perhaps—if you do not already—you will agree with me, and think that it needs only occasion to ca..