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The Continent of the Future -  Africa and Its Wonderful Development

The Continent of the Future - Africa and Its Wonderful Development

by William Coppinger

The tide of modern civilization and religious development is sweeping round the globe. With the rapid advance of India, the unparalleled strides of Japan, and the steady progress of China to the new era, Africa is about to reveal its long-kept secrets and its possibilities of contributing to the elevation of its inhabitants and the welfare of the w..

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

by John Pory

We all know what the Pilgrim Fathers wrote about themselves and their settlements on the (not so) “stern and rockbound coast”; but how many people know that they were visited thrice, between 1622 and 1627, by outsiders who left on record candid accounts of what they saw? That is the reason for this book. These three accounts—one by a gentleman from..

The Making of Modern Japan

The Making of Modern Japan

by John Harington Gubbins

There is much speculation, but no certainty, regarding the origin of the Japanese people. It is, however, generally held that the Japanese race is made up of two main elements—one Mongolian, which came to Japan from Northern Asia by way of Korea, and the other Malayan; a third strain being possibly supplied to some small extent by the Ainu aborigin..

The Geography of New Jersey

The Geography of New Jersey

by Henry Snyder

The original inhabitants of New Jersey H were Indians of the Delaware tribe, which belonged to the Algonquin family. The early white settlers were of different nationalities,—Dutch, Swedes, English, and French. The geographical names of the state are interesting reminders of the various occupants.The first exploration of the state was made by Henry..

Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway

Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway

by Edward Mead Earle

The Chester concessions and the Anglo-American controversy regarding the Mesopotamian oilfields are but two conspicuous instances of the rapid development of American activity in the Near East. Turkey, already an important market for American goods, gives promise of becoming a valuable source of raw materials for American factories and a fertile fi..

An Address to the People of New-England

An Address to the People of New-England

by Samuel Hopkins

My Design in this Address is to represent, to the People in this Country, the very great Importance of treating the Indians, who live among us, and upon our Borders, in a just, kind and charitable Manner; and that we do, by all proper Means and Methods, endeavour to attach them to us, and to the British Interest. This, I apprehend, is a Subject tha..

An Account of the Battle of Wilson's Creek

An Account of the Battle of Wilson's Creek

by Thomas W. Adams

In giving an account of the battle of Wilson’s Creek, or Oak Hills, which though not the largest, has passed into history, as one of the hardest and best fought battles of the American Civil War, it is necessary to describe certain military movements and operations which took place previously, in order that a better understanding of all of the circ..

Is Tomorrow Hitler's?

Is Tomorrow Hitler's?

by H. R. Knickerbocker

There is no such thing as winning a fight without passion. France went to war apologetically; France fought the war without music, and so France lost. Britain went to war apologetically, but Britain had the inestimable advantage of being bombed, and today for the first time in 100 years Britain is angry and is fighting as she has never fought befor..