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The Irish Guards in the Great War, Volume 1 (of 2)

The Irish Guards in the Great War, Volume 1 (of 2)

by Bryce Walton

These volumes try to give soberly and with what truth is possible, the experiences of both battalions of the Irish Guards from 1914 to 1918. The point of view is the battalions’, and the facts mainly follow the Regimental Diaries, supplemented by the few private letters and documents which such a war made possible, and by some tales that have gathe..

Children of India

Children of India

by Janet Harvey Kelman

India is a very old land, and those who live there look far back into the past. They listen to the stories that were told of men and gods in those old days, and follow the customs that were followed then. There are many gods in India, and many priests who serve in their temples and at their shrines. The priests have more power over the lives of the..

A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines

A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines

by Dan De Quille

A History of the Comstock Silver Lode & Mines: Nevada and the Great Basin Region; Lake Tahoe and the High Sierras.The central idea in the preparation of this little book has been to give, as concisely as possible, such information in regard to the silver mines of the Comstock as the visiting tourist is likely to require. In doing this it was th..

Nicaraguan Antiquities

Nicaraguan Antiquities

by Carl Bovallius

Nicaragua is a very rich field for research to the student of American Archæology, and so I found it during my two years stay in Central America. I had there the good fortune several times to meet with localities more or less rich in remains from the prehistoric or rather pre-spanish period. Not very much being known about Central American antiquit..

Crawford's Defeat -  A Tale of the Frontier in 1812

Crawford's Defeat - A Tale of the Frontier in 1812

by Anonymous

During the early days on the Midwestern frontier, especially during the War of 1812 and the concurrent Indian warfare, terror was easily spread through settlements and villages by rumors of nearby redskins. Raids were frequent, and the horrors of Indian warfare made even the boldest men fear for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. Bu..

Upper Canada Sketches

Upper Canada Sketches

by Thomas Conant

IN presenting to the public these random sketches I crave the reader’s indulgence. I do not pretend to elegance of style in my writing, and if—as is doubtless the case—the canons of literary form are occasionally offended against in these pages, I ask the kindly consideration of the critics.If asked my reasons for publishing the volume, I would sta..

General Harmar's Campaign

General Harmar's Campaign

by Anonymous

General Josiah Harmar’s ill-fated campaign in 1790 was the first of three historic expeditions against the Indians in the Old Northwest. The defeat of General Arthur St. Clair followed in 1791, and the victory of General Anthony Wayne in 1794.The first article in this pamphlet identifies the exact sites of the Indian villages around the three river..

Primitive Time-reckoning

Primitive Time-reckoning

by Martin P. Nilsson

Although in the present study I devote only a few pages to the Greek time-reckoning, and am engaged for the most part in very different fields, yet the work has arisen from a desire to prepare the way for a clearer view of the initial stages of the Greek time-reckoning. In the course of my investigations into Greek festivals I had from the beginnin..