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  • Household Stories

Household Stories

by Brothers Grimm

Household Stories PDF edition and other Brothers Grimm books available for free download from our library.


Household Stories is a collection of fairy tales originally written in German by the German academicians Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, most popularly called as Brothers Grimm.

The authors ignited the interest in fairy tales, while the romanticism and Romantic nationalism were ruling the literary world in 19th century. The have aided the recovery of fairy tales with their folklore collection which reflected the German cultural identity. In addition they did publish stories which were written by Charles Perrault, which originally targeted aristocratic French audience.

Although it is often mistakenly related, Grimm’s tales were not only intended for Children alone. The legacy of Grimm’s tales contains novellas and folk stories which cautioned the parents to steer the children towards age-appropriate stories.

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