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PDF Books in Humorous Fiction

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Mark Twain

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a children's novel by Mark Twain. Unlike other adventure stories, this adventure journey is not for fun but for the survival. A boy, whose life is, threatened none other than his own father.  A slave escapes from the custody of masters in fear of being sold. Both unite to fight for survival of them. Huckle ..



by Jane Austen

Emma Woodhouse a wealthy, Young and beautiful girl does not have the intention of marrying any one. Emma introduces Mr. Weston to her friend Taylor and soon they get married. She misread this marriage for her successful match making abilities. With her new found skills, she is on her way to match making between her another friend Harriet Smith (an ..

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the most widely read books of Mark Twain, which is based on his boyhood life along the Mississippi River. Many characters in the novel are created and resembles Twain's young life in village. Tom and Huck, the mischievous boys were accidentally witnessing the murder of Dr. Robinson by Injun Joe, a Half-American. M..

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest

by Oscar Wilde

The Importance of Being Earnest, is a play criticized as humorous exposure of social obligations with out any social message. While this Play has climaxed the writing career of the author Oscar Wilde, this also marked the end of his personal life by exposing his double life for which he was sent for imprisonment. John Worthing believed to be an ..

Life on the Mississippi

Life on the Mississippi

by Mark Twain

Life on the Mississippi is an autobiographical work of Mark Twain, remembering his days as a steamboat pilot in the river of Mississippi during 1880s. Not only this book has made Mark Twain as a serious writer, but also inspired him to write one of his most popular novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book is spanned around Mark Twain’s bo..

Roughing It

Roughing It

by Mark Twain

Roughing it can be called more appropriately as The Adventures of Mark Twain. This book has unearthed the Voyages writer inside the fictional & Humor novelist Mark Twain. Before settling his career as a novelist, Mark Twain has travelled all around the American Western cities for multifaceted jobs including as reporter, lecturer and gold pro..

Three Men in a Boat

Three Men in a Boat

by Jerome K. Jerome

Three Men in a Boat, written by Jerome K. Jerome was originally intended to be a travel guide, but taken the shape of humorous account as the writing passes. The author along with his two friends George Wingrave and Carl Hentschel (all of them are real life characters) spending an evening and discuss about their hectic work schedule which made t..

Following the Equator -  A Journey Around the World

Following the Equator - A Journey Around the World

by Mark Twain

Following the Equator written by Mark Twain is a non-fiction work of his travel experiences blended with fiction stories. The author toured around the world to extricate himself from a debt of $100,000 on account of his failed investment in a revolutionary typesetting machine, which made him literally bankrupt. In his thirteen month of travel wi..