PDF Books in Humorous Fiction
A Gentleman of Leisure
by P. G. WodehouseThe main smoking-room of the Strollers’ Club had been filling for the last half-hour, and was now nearly full. In many ways the Strollers’, though not the most magnificent, is the pleasantest club in New York. Its ideals are those of the Savage Club—comfort without pomp—and it is given over after eleven o’clock at night mainly to the Stage. Everybo..
Hashimura Togo, Domestic Scientist
by Wallace IrvinIn reading this intellectual volume of words I hopes that Mrs. Public & Husband will realize what I am stabbing at. Science in kitchen, rugs, vacuum cleaners, babies etc is what I wish teach all homes. Can this be accomplish? Answer is, Yes!! For housekeeping can get to be a Science just like warfare and pulling teeth.And in each of those lette..
And Five Were Foolish
by Dornford YatesForsyth and Co., Solicitors, had referred to the Will and replied that their client was to be buried forthwith, adding that, by the terms of that remarkable document, if his doctor and secretary desired to receive the year’s salary apiece which it offered them, they must be prepared to produce credible testimony that they had followed the coffin at..
The Battle of the Bells
by Jerome BixbyOwensville is a small town in western Pennsylvania. It sits low in one end of a green-sided valley, just a few frame houses and stores strung along a main street ... and that main street is on the one and only road that leads through the valley: a road that all the maps show to be a convenient and dependable connection between the Penn Turnpike and..
Sam in the Suburbs
by P. G. WodehouseLL day long, New York, stewing in the rays of a late August sun, had been growing warmer and warmer; until now, at three o’clock in the afternoon, its inhabitants, with the exception of a little group gathered together on the tenth floor of the Wilmot Building on Upper Broadway, had divided themselves by a sort of natural cleavage into two main bod..