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  • Idealia, a Utopian Dream

Idealia, a Utopian Dream

by H. Alfarata Chapman Thompson

Idealia, a Utopian Dream PDF edition and other H. Alfarata Chapman Thompson books available for free download from our library.


This interesting and beautiful story, within a few lines of its finish, was written by Miss H. Alfarata Chapman, Stenographer for many years in charge of the catalogue department, University of the State of New York, New York State Library. Miss Chapman and John W. Thompson were married by Rev. J. Hill Johnson, Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Catskill, N. Y., September 10, 1921.

Miss Helena R. Goines, a life-long friend, was the Maid of Honor. William A. Chapman, brother of the Bride, was best man. The other two friends present were Mrs. John Butler, Mother of the Maid of Honor and Mrs. Clarissa Mims. Mrs. H. Alfarata Chapman Thompson was a brilliant young woman, highly educated, having graduated with honors from the Albany High School and the Albany Business College, and a gifted and graceful writer. 

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