PDF Books in Identity Fiction
The Lost Ego
by Rog PhillipsIt was evening. Somewhere down the block a woman was calling someone named Johnny. Across the street a man was going up the walk to the house from his car. Next door a skinny man with a large Adam's apple was mowing the lawn. He saw me and waved at me. A nervous smile flitted over his lips.I started to take off my coat. Sudden doubt made me pause. ..
Es Percipi
by Stephen MarloweNicholson ducked into the room and squinted myopically through contact lenses which made his eyes look watery and far away. "Better scram out the back way, boss," he said. "That dame from the Department of Health and Public Welfare is here again."Bryan Channing allowed himself ten seconds of barely audible swearing. Finally, he said, "What does she..