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  • Illustrated History Of Furniture

Illustrated History Of Furniture

by Frederick Litchfield

Illustrated History Of Furniture PDF edition and other Frederick Litchfield books available for free download from our library.


Illustrated History Of Furniture written by Frederick Litchfield is an exploration of furniture from ancient times to the modern era supported with authenticated illustrations.  A careful selection of illustrations has been made from examples of established authenticity, the majority of which are to be seen, either in the Museums to which reference is made, or by permission of the owners; and the representations of the different "interiors" will convey an idea of the character and disposition of the furniture of the periods to which they refer.

These illustrations are arranged, so far as is possible, in chronological order, and the descriptions which accompany them are explanatory of the historical and social changes which have influenced the manners and customs, and directly or indirectly affected the Furniture of different nations. An endeavour is made to produce a "panorama" which may prove acceptable to many, who, without wishing to study the subject deeply, may desire to gain some information with reference to it generally, or with regard to some part of it, in which they may feel a particular interest.

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