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  • Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct

Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct

by F. B. Tower

Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct PDF edition and other F. B. Tower books available for free download from our library.


The views which I have given of the important points on the line of the Croton Aqueduct, are from sketches taken for my own satisfaction; but the interest so generally taken in the work, has suggested to me the propriety of presenting them to the public in this form. Having been engaged in the Engineer Department during the whole of the construction of the Aqueduct, my acquaintance with it would enable me to present more of its details; but I have given those of the construction of the Aqueduct, and a general outline of the structures connected with it, trusting that a more detailed description may emanate from John B. Jervis, Esquire, who, as Chief Engineer, gave Plans and Specifications for the work during its construction. 

The history which I have given of the preliminary measures leading to the accomplishment of this work, has been obtained, mainly, from printed documents of the Common Council. I have also had conversations with personsvi who were intimately concerned in some of those measures, and trust that I have made the history sufficiently full to embrace the leading steps which were taken.

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