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  • In the Days of Queen Elizabeth

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth

by Eva March Tappan

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth PDF edition and other Eva March Tappan books available for free download from our library.


In the Days of Queen Elizabeth is an interesting read about the life of Queen Elizabeth written for young readers by Eva March Tappan, an American author of Children’s books whose other principal works include In the Days of Alfred the Great, Stories from Seven Old Favourites, In the Days of William the Conqueror, American Hero Stories, and The Story of the Greek People. In the Days of Queen Elizabeth is a simple narrative and written as lightweight read for the children in their early teens.

Though one might expect it as a historical work, but the author has targeted the young readers in mind and made her writing style very simple and enjoyable one with stories on voyages, explorations and Spanish Armada defeat. One would be delighted after reading this book as how being a woman Queen Elizabeth had lead the state in tough times with her exemplary administrative skills.

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