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  • In the Nursery: Happy Hours for the Little Ones

In the Nursery: Happy Hours for the Little Ones

by Anonymous

In the Nursery: Happy Hours for the Little Ones PDF edition and other Anonymous books available for free download from our library.


Once on a time—the story-book time when an-i-mals wore clothes and could talk—there were three mod-el mice. Their names were Gray Cloak, Fine Ear and Sat-in Slip-per. Sat-in Slip-per had a spoon of her own, Fine Ear had a knife, and Gray Cloak owned a fork.

One day they thought they would club the knife and the fork and the spoon to-geth-er, and keep house. As they were mod-el mice, they eas-i-ly a-greed where to live. They chose Farm-er Jones' cel-lar, be-cause there were bar-rels of ap-ples, bas-kets of eggs, and shelves loaded with good-ies, and an egg, or an ap-ple, or a stray cake would not be missed.

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