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  • Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois

Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois

by J. E. Lamar

Industrial Minerals and Metals of Illinois PDF edition and other J. E. Lamar books available for free download from our library.


This booklet briefly and nontechnically discusses the foregoing materials and some of the work the Illinois State Geological Survey does in gathering information about their occurrence, and character and in developing new uses. 

The mineral resources of Illinois include many rocks and minerals of varied character and uses. From them are made an array of everyday products whose sources may not even be recognized by the consumer. The user of a glass bottle, for instance, rarely knows that it may have been made from Illinois silica sand, nor is the driver of an automobile generally aware that the Illinois concrete highway on which he is driving probably was constructed from a mixture of cement, sand and gravel, or crushed stone that may have come from Illinois pits or quarries.

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