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  • Irritability -  A Physiological Analysis

Irritability - A Physiological Analysis

by Max Verworn

Irritability - A Physiological Analysis PDF edition and other Max Verworn books available for free download from our library.


The lectures on irritability here published were held at the University of Yale in October, 1911. When the authorities of that University honored me by an invitation to give a course of Silliman memorial lectures, I accepted with the more pleasure as it furnished me with the opportunity of summarizing the results of numerous experimental researches carried out with the assistance of my co-workers during the course of more than two decades in the physiological laboratories of Jena, Göttingen and Bonn, to unite therewith the results obtained by other investigators and thus present a uniform exposition of the general effects and laws of stimulation in the living substance. I have long entertained this plan and this for the following reason:

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