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  • Ivanhoe


by Sir Walter Scott

Ivanhoe PDF edition and other Sir Walter Scott books available for free download from our library.


Ivanhoe is a historical novel with romantic genre written by Sir Walter Scott, a Scottish writer who made many literary contributions of novels, plays, short stories and poetry.

His notable works are Guy Mannering, Kenilworth, The Pirate, The Fortunes of Nigel, The Black Dwarf and Old Mortality, The Heart of Midlothian Translations and Imitations from German Ballads, The Journal of Sir Walter Scott, Chronicles of the Canongate, and The Chase .

Ivanhoe narrates the story of one of few remaining Saxons and repulsion against Norman. Wilfred of Ivanhoe, the protagonist, has displeased his father Cedric of Rotherwood by supporting King Richard and as a result he is disinherited from the noble family. He is also in love with Lady Rowena, Cedric’s ward. While he had a plot of forging a strong political alliance for claiming throne, his son’s love with Rowena only add fuels to his disinheritance. 

In the preceding incidents, Cedric faces the reality of inevitable Norman and even thinking that they are not as bad as the Saxons think. The novel ends with a happy note of Wilfred and Rowena marriage and long lasting service to the Norman, till King Richard’s death.

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