Written by John Stuart Mill
by John Stuart MillUtilitarianism is written by John Stuart Mill, a philosopher and economist who had been considered as the most influential English speaking philosopher of the 19th century. The author defends philosophically ethics of Utilitarianism and the fundamental grounds of it. The goal of Utilitarianism can be achieved only by cultivating the nobleness of..
On Liberty
by John Stuart MillOn Liberty is a philosophical work written by John Stuart Mill, an English philosopher who was celebrated as the most influential English-speaking philosopher. Along with Utilitarianism, this book considers to be the most influential philosophical work. This piece of literature was originally planned to be written as an essay, explores the str..
Principles Of Political Economy
by John Stuart MillPrinciples Of Political Economy is one of the most redundant text books on political economy, written by the English economist John Stuart Mill, whose notable publications include A Few Words on Non-intervention, On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women, and A System of Logic. Principles Of Political Economy is categorically subdivide..