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PDF Books in Juvenile Fiction

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The Fur Country

The Fur Country

by Jules Verne

The Fur Country Or, Seventy Degrees North Latitude is an adventure novel written by Jules Verne. Hudson's Bay Company's officials create a port in the Arctic region. In the subsequent days, an earth quake isolates the port and become an iceberg. Stranded in the iceberg for days, the iceberg eventually reaches an Island and the officials are saved...

The Master of the World

The Master of the World

by Jules Verne

Jules Verne's science fiction novel The Master of the World narrates the story of unexpected end to a brilliant travel machine which can move at phenomenal speeds in air, sea and road. Robur the inventor names the device as Terror and capture the investigator John Strock.  Robur gets killed while the Terror was struck by a lightning...

Dick Sand -  A Captain at Fifteen

Dick Sand - A Captain at Fifteen

by Jules Verne

Jules Verne's marine fiction Dick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen narrates the story of a teen boy to assume the captain position of a ship under unusual circumstances. During a whale hunting, Captain Hull and the crew is lost, young boy Dick Sand had to drive home the ship. Negoro, the cook in the ship creates problems for him by manipulating the speed..

The English at the North Pole

The English at the North Pole

by Jules Verne

Part one of Verne's The Adventures of Captain Hatteras, The English at the North Pole narrates the adventurous journey of Captain Hatteras in the north pole in-spite of his destroyed ship and death of crew members...

The Field of Ice

The Field of Ice

by Jules Verne

Part two of Verne's The Adventures of Captain Hatteras, The Field of Ice narrates the adventurous journey of Captain Hatteras who breaks into frozen sea with a ship which was left be early expeditors...

Little Men

Little Men

by Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Men was published as a sequel to her early novel Little Women and many characters follow from her early work. Jo Bhaer starts a school with difference where students are encouraged to become free thinkers and mold their life on their own. We could visualize students with variety of characters and their encounters wi..

Boys, and How They Turned Out

Boys, and How They Turned Out

by Louisa May Alcott

The sequel of Little Men and last of  of the Trilogy,  Alcott's novel Jo's Boys, and How They Turned Out explores the adulthood life of the Plumfield school pupils. Now no more school boys, they have to prepare for their career and life. Alcott also portays the romance of the pairs who were started their engagement during the end of their..

An Old Fashioned Girl

An Old Fashioned Girl

by Louisa May Alcott

An Old Fashioned Girl is a novel by Louisa May Alcott, which explores the country life and the inability of an rural girl to fit in. Polly Milto's customs and dressing style was not even liked by her cousin Fanny Shaw which leads Polly to exit from their. Six years after when she comes back to the city for her career, the so called colorful urban l..