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When the Spoilers Came

When the Spoilers Came

by Robert Moore Williams

When the Spoilers Came is a space science fiction story written by Robert Moore Williams. So they came to the Holy City of Sudal, primed for loot and murder! Larkin, the old Terran trader, warned them. But there was no convincing these space-scarred Pizarros that the simple, dream-bound Martians were not quite as defenseless as they seemed. To..

Philip Rollo, Vol. II (of 2)

Philip Rollo, Vol. II (of 2)

by James Grant

Philip Rollo or THE SCOTTISH MUSKETEERS is the second of two volume novel written by James Grant, who is also the author of "ROMANCE OF WAR," "JANE SETON,", etc..Every day the old queen rode forth on a fat Danish horse, accompanied by Ernestine and other ladies; every day, at the same hour as yesterday, the guard presented arms at the gate—the offi..



by Jerome Bixby

Tubemonkey is a space opera written by Jerome Bixby. Steve Podalski swung his legs into view and slid carelessly down the dull metal roundness of tube fourteen, like a boy on a barrel. His magnetic boots thunked onto tube thirteen and took hold. He gave Rhiannon a look compounded of acid and pity. "Go to hell with your noise."Off at the other end o..

The First Man On the Moon

The First Man On the Moon

by Alfred Coppel

The ship lay at a crazy angle on the stark whiteness of the pumice plain. The rocket nozzles were a fused lump of slag; the fire-darkened hull crumpled and warped by the impact of landing. And there was silence ... complete and utter silence.There could be no return. Thurmon realized this. At first the thought had brought panic, but, as the scope o..

Who Goes There?

Who Goes There?

by Charles H. Davis

Through the outer limits of our solar system, two great ships flashed through the void. Light from distant Sol gleamed feebly on their dark hulls, paled to insignificance by the flare of pure energy that blasted each ship through space at inconceivable velocity. Sol's illumination was just enough to pick out the jagged gash near the base of the lea..

Jessica Trent's Inheritance

Jessica Trent's Inheritance

by Evelyn Raymond

Jessica Trent's Inheritance is a story for girls written by Evelyn Raymond, whose other writings include “Jessica Trent,” “Jessica The Heiress,” “Breakneck Farm,” etc. A big crowd it certainly was. Mainly a happy and eager one as well; its winter’s outing and sight-seeing over, and home-going at hand. A few, indeed, were sad. Those who had come to ..

Machine of Klamugra

Machine of Klamugra

by Allen Kim Lang

Klaggchallak, his fur nose-flaps pulled tight against his nostrils, stumbled up to the gleaming pinnacle of steel that seemed to offer shelter against the night. He felt a dust-storm gathering in the west, and knew that not even the tough skin of a Martian priest could withstand the angry whippings of sand lashed up by the wind-warlocks of the dese..

Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!

Oh Mesmerist From Mimas!

by Roger D. Aycock

The sudden hush that fell wasn't out of deference to me, though I'm pretty well known through the odd corners of the Solar System, but because of the Mimasan smiley I carried in a ten-inch tungsten wire cage under my arm. Nothing this side of Saturn's inner moon can lay down the euphoric aura of peace and brotherhood that a smiley can, and this one..