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PDF Books in Juvenile Fiction

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The Kingdom of Promise and Prophecy

The Kingdom of Promise and Prophecy

by R. L. Whiteside

Robertson L. Whiteside was a native of Hickman county, Tennessee, born December 27, 1869, died at his home in Denton, Texas—where he had lived more than forty years—January 5, 1951. Early in his life (17 years of age), he dedicated himself to the Lord’s service. He was student, educator, and preacher and was ever on the firing lines in the fight ag..

The True Grecian Bend -  A Story in Verse

The True Grecian Bend - A Story in Verse

by Larry Leigh

The True Grecian Bend: A Story in Verse by Larry Leigh.A woman in France got the spinal disease,And from that sad moment she had no more ease;To add to her anguish, she very soon found,Oh, horrors! her back was becoming quite round. The spasms of physical pain she endured,Were keen, I assure you, and could not be cured;But bad as these we..

Eternal Zemmd Must Die!

Eternal Zemmd Must Die!

by Henry Hasse

Eternal Zemmd Must Die! is an adventure story written by Henry Hasse.We have remained indecisive too long! You must understand this! The future, perhaps the very existence of the Federation hangs in the balance unless we can correlate all that has happened and decide upon a course of action NOW....DeHarries, Correlator for Earth, paced alone in his..

Moon of Treason

Moon of Treason

by Emmett McDowell

Moon of Treason is a science fiction short story written by Emmett McDowell as part of the Planet stories magazine.Clyde Vickers shuffled awkwardly down the gangplank. After two years on Jupiter he felt buoyant as a toy balloon in the mild gravity of Earth's satellite. Every step he expected to go sailing over the heads of the other passengers—up, ..

Mystery of the Caribbean Pearls

Mystery of the Caribbean Pearls

by Andy Adams

Mystery of the Caribbean Pearls is a a part of the Biff Brewster Adventures series of juvenile mystery stories written by Andy Adams."Lightning streaked the skies over the Windward Islands. The Caribbean Sea was a tumbled mass of foaming, angry waters. The chabasco had struck with the quickness and lashing fury that is the nature of this most feare..

The Dead-Star Rover

The Dead-Star Rover

by Robert Abernathy

The Dead-Star Rover is an adventurous science fiction short story  by Robert Abernathy.The terrapin was traveling eighty miles an hour—far too fast for such uneven country. Over maddeningly repetitive dunes it scudded, rising with a swoop to each windward slope and hurtling clear of the ground beyond each wave-like crest, to plunge through the..

Unwelcome Tenant

Unwelcome Tenant

by Roger D. Aycock

Unwelcome Tenant is a planet fiction story written by Roger Dee as part of the planet stories magazine.Maynard was dividing his attention equally between the transparent bubble that housed the Meinz pendulum and the two ports, forward and aft, that broke the steel panelling of the control cubicle. He listened critically to the measured clicking of ..



by Roger D. Aycock

Winant followed the lanky sheriff down the jail corridor past rows of empty, plank-walled cells and drew a sharp breath of relief when they found the last cubicle still tenanted."That's Uncle Ivor, all right," Winant said. "Sorry he caused you so much trouble, sheriff, but I'll be glad to pay his fine. What's the charge against him?"The sheriff rub..