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The Martians and the Coys

The Martians and the Coys

by Bryce Walton

Maw Coy climbed the fence down at the end of the south pasture and started up the side of the creek, carrying her bundle over her shoulder and puffing slightly at her exertion. She forded the creek there at the place where Hank's old coon dog Jigger was killed by the boar three years ago come next hunting season. Jumping from rock to rock across th..

Mixed Pickles

Mixed Pickles

by Evelyn Raymond

Melville ceased shrieking and broke into a subdued roar, as ominous to his slave, Grandmother Capers, as it was amusing to Content. But she veiled the mirth in her brown eyes, and went on speaking in that sort of soothing fashion which mothers use to a fretful infant.Suddenly the cripple became silent, and looked up into his cousin’s face with an e..

The Mistake of Christopher Columbus

The Mistake of Christopher Columbus

by Jules Archer

The man who discovered that the world was flat, after all, was an Australian hermit named Herbert Fitzgrone. He was a thoughtful man with a glass eye and a metal plate in his head, both obtained during the Boer War. In the bush shanty where he had lived for forty years, he studied the riddle of the universe.One day, shortly after he had turned sixt..

House Operator

House Operator

by S. M. Tenneshaw

Rafferty was a gambler of the old school. He didn't believe in any of the fancy electronic gadgets that the casinos went in for these days, didn't much care for the psionic games of chance and other tricky and probably rigged affairs. Give him a good poker game any time, and he would be happy.He stood in the door of the Ganymede Casino, outlining h..

The adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and family

The adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and family

by Henry Mayhew

THE GREAT EXHIBITION was about to attract sight-seers of all the world—the sight-seers, who make up nine-tenths of the human family. The African had mounted his ostrich. The Crisp of the Desert had announced an excursion caravan from Zoolu to Fez. The Yakutskian Shillibeer had already started the first reindeer omnibus to Novogorod. Penny cargoes w..

The Secret Play

The Secret Play

by Ralph Henry Barbour

A blue runabout chugged blithely along Troutman Street, in the town of Clearfield, one afternoon in mid-September, honking hoarse warnings at the intersections of other thoroughfares and rustling the yellow and russet leaves, which, because of an unprecedently early frost two nights before, had already sprinkled the pavement...

Master Race

Master Race

by Richard Ashby

One moment he was piloting a fast plane over dangerous green jungles ... and the next Eddie was wide awake and peering through the gloom. Across the room Rags was whining softly and sniffing the damp night air that rolled in through the open window. The Scotty was excited, Eddie saw, and it must be something out of the ordinary for Rags' whimpering..

We're Off to Mars!

We're Off to Mars!

by Joe Gibson

Joe took the clipboard and pencil, scrawled his name and frowned with sudden surprise. The name on the clipboard list above his was: Pontius Pilate, Rome, 12 A.D. And when he looked up at the scowling little man who was now holding the package out to him and extending a hand to receive back his clipboard and pencil, Joe saw that he was holding the ..