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The Fritz Strafers -  A Story of the Great War

The Fritz Strafers - A Story of the Great War

by Percy F. Westerman

Hugh Holcombe was cast in a different mould. Except in point of age there was little in common between the two lads. Holcombe was tall for his age, and possessed the appearance of a budding athlete. Although in mufti—he was spending the last week of the Christmas vacation with an uncle at Southsea before rejoining Osborne College—there was a certai..

Gloria at Boarding School

Gloria at Boarding School

by Lilian Garis

Gloria Doane really felt defiant. Boarding school always represented restrictions to her inexperienced reasoning, and restrictions were never a part of her chosen schedule. A sense of freedom was necessary to her happiness. At her Barbend home she scarcely respected the wildest coast storm, and often thought it a lark to help life guards shoot..

The Friendly Killers

The Friendly Killers

by S. M. Tenneshaw

I leaned back in my seat, full of the satisfaction that comes of drawing the right card. "A thrill-mill," I observed, assuming a mock-academic tone, "is a fantastically expensive little device known technically as a perceptual intensifier. It's given away, not bought or sold, and is found only on Rizal. No one knows where it comes from, or why. Nei..

Among the Lindens

Among the Lindens

by Bryce Walton

The school-girl who had uttered the first exclamation darted suddenly forward into the midst of the crowd, and pulled from under the very hoofs of the horses, attached to a heavy dray, the queer little old gentleman who had occasioned her outcry.Every New Yorker knows how thronged is that particular point, at the southwestern corner of pretty Madis..

The Pinafore Picture Book

The Pinafore Picture Book

by W. S. Gilbert

I have been asked to explain to you how it comes to pass that this, the story of a well-known Play, is now placed before you in the form of a Tale. In the first place, many very young ladies and gentlemen are never taken to the Theatre at all. It is supposed by certain careful Papas and Mamas that very young ladies and gentlemen should go to bed at..

The Gift

The Gift

by Melvin Sturgis

The tenseness in the tiny court room was a live thing that you could feel clear down to your insoles. The thick silence was broken as the judge said solemnly: "Your objection will be taken under advisement by the court, Counselor. In what manner will the childhood of the defendant be relevant to this case, Mr. Prosecutor?""It is my purpose to show,..

Billy Mink

Billy Mink

by Thornton W. Burgess

Of all the little people in the Green Forest there is none with sharper eyes and keener wits than Billy Mink. Nothing goes on along the Laughing Brook, from where it starts in the Green Forest to where it joins the Big River, that Billy Mink doesn’t know about. Billy is a great traveler. He is so full of life and energy that he cannot keep still ve..

The Crystal Cup

The Crystal Cup

by Gertrude Atherton

Gita made a face in the heavy shade of the bed-hangings, but replied politely: “I am glad to be here, grandmother, and when it’s my turn to die I’ll take all the time I choose.” She had a crisp clear voice and a staccato delivery, which she made no attempt to modify in the sick-room, and the old lady frowned. The gray old voice, with its sudden mom..