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What So Proudly We Hail

What So Proudly We Hail

by Day Keene

Ephraim Hale yawned a great yawn and awakened. He'd expected to have a headache. Surprisingly, considering the amount of hot buttered rum he'd consumed the night before, he had none. But where in the name of the Continental Congress had he gotten to this time? The last he remembered was parting from Mr. Henry in front of the Pig and Whistle. A bril..

The Adventures of an Eton Boy

The Adventures of an Eton Boy

by James Grant

Dick Rodney or, The Adventures of an Eton Boy is an adventurous castaways fiction for young readers written by James Grant.In the relation of the following adventures I do not mean to illustrate the principle maintained by some writers, that by an inevitable course of events in life, that becomes fate, which at first was merely choice; but rather t..

The Boy Scout Pathfinders

The Boy Scout Pathfinders

by Robert Maitland

The big collie Don, not to be behindhand when there was any noise or capering to be done, and more glad than anyone else to be released from the many hours of close confinement in that awful baggage car, ran wildly about, darting in and out between the boys’ feet, at the imminent danger of upsetting the whole procession, and added his joyful bark t..

World of the Mad

World of the Mad

by Poul Anderson

A face floated through the swirling mist. It was not human, but it was very beautiful, and it was blind. He looked away as it mouthed voiceless murmurs at him.Somewhere a crystal tree was chiming, a delicate pizzicato of glass-like leaves vibrating against each other. The man listened to it and to the low muttering of the earth, for those at least ..

Black Priestess of Varda

Black Priestess of Varda

by Erik Fennel

Eldon made a choked sound that was partly a shout of anger and partly a whimper of frustration. He crumpled the note, hurled the pen clumsily toward the far wall, and buried his disfigured face in the curve of his single arm. His body shook with sobs of self-pity.There was only an inch or so left in the bottle. He finished it in a single gulp and f..

Short Stories. Early October, 1923

Short Stories. Early October, 1923

by Hapsburg Liebe

Readers of "Short Stories" are probably aware that "Short Stories" is only one of a family of magazines. The demand for specimen copies in answer to our advertisements of our other magazines, shows that our readers are eager to read the magazines published by the same House that publishes "Short Stories."To many thousands of readers "The World's Wo..

Synthetic Hero

Synthetic Hero

by Bryce Walton

Every day people travel great distances to stand in silence before the statue at Southwestern Spaceport. It is a shrine. The figure stands with arms raised in an upreaching, yearning gesture that invokes thoughts of man's potential greatness, and the face seen beneath the helmet wears an expression of inspired nobility and idealism. In the indestru..

The Third Little Green Man

The Third Little Green Man

by Damon Knight

Shoemaker sat in the open sallyport of the ship and looked gloomily at a pale blue-green seascape, parted down the middle by a ghostly shoreline. The sea was a little greener, and the land was a little bluer; otherwise there was no difference to the eye. Once in a while a tiny breeze came in from the sea, and then the stink changed from sulphur to ..